Courageous women and feminine men. A battle for survival?

Today in Gomel there are 10 driving schools that train drivers of category B. And it is noteworthy that 70% of the cadets are women! What is the reason for such a high percentage? And are there still purely female and purely male professions in modern life??

Probably, emancipation is to blame. Now there are practically no cases left that could be called masculine. Women surround us everywhere: women at the wheel, women managers, women organize their private enterprises, even the army has not been left without female attention. And more recently, I watched a woman driving a very “delicate” car. On the roof — the already familiar badge with the letter «U», behind the wheel — a girl, only this car is a truck with a trailer. “Zil” or what? .. (An old, Soviet-era car, I don’t even remember what it’s called) Well, why did you come here? Was a small 3-door Peugeot not enough?

Is it possible that male «independence» puts such pressure on women that they are ready to take up any business, just to prove how strong and independent they can be. Or is our sorority so feminist?

Of course, a car is very necessary, and you need to know how to drive it. And if you really have such a need — to circle constantly around the city (or out of town), if without it you feel like no hands. Then I will believe: you really need it. But why would anyone prove something?

No one will deny that men and women have completely different thinking. Some are rational, others are emotional. And in difficult situations, they react in completely different ways. And I’m not talking about harmless situations. I’m talking about critical situations. In critical situations, a woman either goes into hysterics, or her consciousness is paralyzed (again, exceptions only confirm the rules). Men are different. They first defend themselves, dodge, save, and then only withdraw into themselves or throw out emotions. Well, they are different people …

But I know for sure a few cases that are still purely female. I have not yet observed male controllers. Maybe in some more emancipated countries this already occurs, but in the city of Gomel I have not seen it. I have not seen men — kindergarten teachers, nannies.

But women are everywhere now. (And many do not even plan to start a family and have children. Although this also applies to men to the same extent)

Maybe that’s why there are so many “feminine” men that we have no more male occupations (even football and hockey — and that had to be sacrificed). Everywhere you look, there are continuous encroachments.