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Go. The mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk Viktor Anushkevichus handed over the keys to the apartments

On January 16, in Ivano-Frankovsk, the city chairman Viktor Anushkevichus handed over 29 orders and keys to apartments in a new building on the street. Galitskaya, 64-v.

Congratulating the new settlers, the city chairman noted that today people received the keys to apartments, for decades they had been waiting for a solution to their housing problem.

Most of these people, according to Viktor Anushkevichus, at one time attended the mayor’s reception specifically with housing issues. «Generally speaking, the city is not building today, legal entities and individuals are building, so it is difficult to replenish the housing stock of the city. At one time we adopted a regulation on the Fund for the Social and Economic Development of the City, to which some of the developers contributed residential space..

During this period, the city authorities managed to provide 47 apartments, 7 of which were received by representatives of law enforcement agencies, and 40 — privileged categories of city residents — Afghan warriors, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, single mothers, families in which three or more children were born «, — noted by the mayor.

In total, during the tenure of the city chairman Viktor Anushkevichus, more than 110 apartments were provided to persons who are registered with the city executive committee. «More than 10 thousand people are currently registered with the city executive committee, but the critical issue of housing is for 400-450 families, which are still there is no prospect of realizing the right to housing, «said Viktor Anushkevichus.

New housing was received by the executive committee «On the provision of apartments purchased by the state mortgage institution» 60 families, but on that day, keys and orders were issued only to residents of one new building on the street. Galitsky, 64-v.

Another 31 apartments, according to the same decision of the executive committee, will be received by families in the house on the street. Khimikov, 21. All 60 apartments were purchased at the expense of the State Mortgage Institution. According to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers, which regulates the distribution of housing purchased by the State Mortgage Institution, 40% of the apartments that were provided were received by employees of state bodies and institutions, namely the military, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Prosecutor’s Office, the State Border Service and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Whereas 60% of the distributed apartments were provided to privileged categories of the population, which are registered in the apartment register at the MVK. Among them, one large family, one child, returned from a children’s institution, as well as liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, participants in the hostilities in Afghanistan, two teachers and three employees of the UTOG UPP.