Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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How to convince a guy to quit smoking

Many girls don’t like it when their boyfriend smokes. So what can you do about it? It is very difficult to get rid of this bad habit, but nothing is impossible, so take the initiative and wean the guy off cigarettes.

First you need to convey to him that it is unpleasant for you to be around a person who constantly smokes and smells of tobacco. After all, for a non-smoker, the smell of tobacco is really a problem..

It is also necessary to touch on a more intimate moment. Since smoking is one of the causes of bad breath, you should tell your boyfriend that it would be more pleasant for you to kiss him if he quit smoking and his breath was pleasant..

Don’t force your boyfriend to quit smoking. You need to try to explain to him that you do not need to smoke, thereby not turning against yourself. You need to offer your help, offer him, for example, a nicotine patch. Also explain to him that smoking causes a high risk of impotence, this fact always affects men very strongly..

Tell him that the person who smokes also changes appearance, decay appears, teeth turn yellow, and wrinkles appear on the skin. All this can convince him to quit smoking..

Try to explain to your boyfriend that smoking affects you too. Since you inhale the smell of tobacco from your boyfriend’s cigarettes, you are a passive smoker, and they are at the same risk as regular smokers..

Remind you that you are a girl and cigarettes can affect your unborn child. If your boyfriend cares about you and your health, he will stop smoking. You need to make it clear to the guy that you do not forbid him to smoke, but just take care of his health.

Remember that the initiative on your part should not be aggressive and assertive, so you will achieve only the opposite effect. It is also worth noting that smoking is not just a habit, it is an addiction that must be appropriately disposed of. For example, a guy can be offered a book by Alain Carr that does incredible things, or, after all, there is always a NOQO disposable e-cigarette, which at least will not be harmful to your health..