On the status of the Russian language in Ukraine

Discussions about the status of the Russian language in Ukraine are often touched upon today. Ever since the formation of Ukraine as a sovereign independent state, disputes have continued over this.

More than ten years later, the power structures and the people themselves are discussing this issue very zealously. And quite often such a question appears only before the elections, and after the elections, this problem ceases to be raised at all..

Many people know that Ukraine cannot become an independent and strong state because of the division and policy of power in the regions of the country. Language is precisely the factor that largely influences the emergence of regionalism. It is worth saying that in the southeastern part of the country, almost everyone speaks just Russian. As far as the West is concerned, this is an absolutely opposite situation. In the central part of the country, permanent bilingualism has emerged and established itself. Such an ambiguous picture greatly interferes with the normal formation of Ukraine. And the policy of the authorities, which is aimed at dividing the country, is a big hindrance. In particular, after the coming of the «orange power», the de-Russification of Ukrainians appeared and now a new power is being built, which is significantly different from the one that was previously.

Today, the status of the Russian language in Ukraine is very ambiguous..

The arguments against are as follows:

Language is the main factor that identifies a given country, it is also part of the ethnic difference..

Residents of the country must know their language and speak it, and if Russian becomes the second. Most people will ignore their native Ukrainian.

The Russian language is a legacy of the past in the colony, and if it becomes the main language, the nation will inevitably split into several parts..

Arguments that are «for»:

Ukrainians do not feel problems in relation to this language.

Most of the population of Ukraine supports the possibility of giving the Russian language the status of the state language. And the opinion of the people must be taken into account in a democratic society.

Citizens who speak Russian may feel discrimination to some extent.

It so happened that in the course of history, all regions of the country were formed in the conditions of the predominance of the Russian language and culture and language, and this culture is perceived by many as a native.

The policy of bilingualism in the modern world is a completely adequate opportunity to unite multi-speaking people.

Well, the arguments are different, and only the state can decide how to decide on this situation. In fact, many continue to communicate in two languages, and it is normal to perceive two points of view.