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Smart Contract Auditor: proven technologies for convenience and safety

Smart contracts need high-quality protection. It is necessary to use only proven technologies in practice. Smart Contract Auditor is offered by CQR. You will be able to solve the main security gaps in the organization, since experienced specialists use only proven methods in practice.

Smart contract audit: what is it?

This is a program that is similar to an ordinary agreement. It contains business logic built into a special blockchain. When the parties meet certain conditions, the program will carry out specific actions.

Smart contracts are relevant in various fields to solve a wide range of problems. All blockchain transactions are final, money received by attackers or funds transferred by mistake are not returned, so it is important to make sure that the system is secure. Smart contracts should not contain vulnerabilities, as well as various errors that could cause unpleasant situations.

Main stages of smart contract audit

The task is completed in several basic steps. Here are the main steps that CQR specialists follow:

  1. In-depth review of smart contract code. The code will be checked manually line by line. This ensures that professionals are confident that the logic behind each function is reliable and protected. This is the most important step in testing and takes the most time.
  2. Automated testing. Various actions with your smart contract will be correctly modeled. In practice, a combination of both automatic and manual testing tools is used. Thanks to this, you can detect any vulnerability, even if it is still minor. Also, automated testing does not allow errors, so you have nothing to worry about.
  3. Drawing up a report on the audit. Key findings will be compiled into a single report. It adapts to the specific project. The audit will identify any risks that threaten safety. You will also receive valuable recommendations regarding their elimination, so that future dangers will be completely eliminated.

Be sure to contact CQR for help, as they offer assistance from real professionals in their field. Specialists will deal with all problems and begin to eliminate them. This is your opportunity to protect valuable data from falling into the hands of third parties!