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The crisis is sweeping the planet

The year 2014 is marked by the march of the global economic crisis across the planet. Economic observers only have time to state negative changes in the world economy.

US stock market starts to move down The US stock market has been growing for a very long time, despite the economic crisis. However, against the backdrop of recent statements by the Fed about the curtailment of the quantitative easing program in early 2014, began to fall. All three major Dow Jones, the high-tech Nasdaq and even the preferred S fell& P500 .; Meanwhile, the US labor market also shows weak results, as in November last year, only 74 thousand new jobs were created in the country, which is significantly lower than the level required for steady economic growth. A banking crisis is approaching in Russia. The slowdown in GDP growth last year is far from the only bad news for the Russian economy. According to forecasts of a number of experts, this year the country may face a severe banking crisis. One can only hope that the majority of depositors will not lose their savings. As if this is not enough, the prospects for the labor market also leave much to be desired — the rise in unemployment will affect not only developed countries, but also Russia. In Canada, the unemployment rate has risen. In the once quiet, calm and economically successful Canada, unemployment has risen substantially. At the moment, it hovers around the 7.2% mark, which is the highest result since 2009. The reason was the country’s strong dependence on exports, and primarily on the export of resources. Demand for Canadian goods has fallen sharply due to the ongoing crisis. Against this background, the Canadian dollar fell sharply against other currencies. China is facing a slowdown in economic growth. The country, which in recent years has been rightfully considered the locomotive of the world economy, is facing a slowdown in growth. This is facilitated by a drop in exports due to a decrease in demand for Chinese goods around the world. The appreciation of the yuan to its highest levels over the past 20 years also negatively affects exports from the Middle Kingdom. So far, China has failed to carry out the structural reforms necessary to overcome the crisis. Europe is the sick man of the world. Well, in the Old World, the crisis goes on as usual. Despite all the attempts of the financial authorities to stimulate the EU economy with the help of a super-soft monetary policy, there are no positive results. Many European countries continue to experience creeping declines in living standards and persistently high unemployment rates. And only Germany traditionally looks good against the general background. This is how the world begins 2014.