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Visa contactless cards started to be used in Armenia

In mid-December, a promising project was launched in Armenia, thanks to which the process of cashless payments is much easier. For example, you can compare how a customer paid in a store before and how he can do it now. According to the already widespread method, the buyer gives the bank card to the cashier, and he passes it through the terminal, after which it is necessary to enter the pin code, sign the check, which remains in the outlet. When using a contactless Visa card, it is enough to bring it to the reader — and in a few seconds the payment will be made. A similar procedure can be performed in a supermarket, and in a beauty salon, where a person received a service, and in a casino, where he came to have fun..

Visa payWave can be issued by various banks, this was taken into account: the consumer will not experience difficulties, regardless of which issuing bank issued the card or in which country it was made. In the manufacture of this bank card, EMV standards are used, and today they apply to 45 countries of the world, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc..

In general, consumers in Armenia have already appreciated the possibility of non-cash payments, which is most clearly seen in how often they are made on the Internet. Some people prefer to play slot machines for free, some are ready to fund their account and risk their money in an online casino. A lot of purchases are made in online stores, where various goods are offered — from cosmetics to building materials. Most of non-cash payments are payments for services — providers, utilities, etc. The same owners of online casinos, interested in replenishing the catalog of slots, can thus buy a new product from the developer. That is, relationships between people are often associated with the transfer of money on bank cards.

Armenia is not a closed country, it develops interstate relations and is open for partnerships. Therefore, it is important for her that banks improve their system of work and apply the latest technologies. In Georgia, for example, POS terminals have been used since 2009, and over the past time, one can see positive changes in the banking sector of the market. Similar technologies are used in Kazakhstan, in particular, with the help of a bank card you can pay for taxi services, for this the driver has a POS terminal installed on his smartphone. With the introduction of contactless non-cash payments, new business opportunities also open up in Armenia.