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Who is the Ispmanager web server control panel intended for

Ispmanager is a web server control panel that is distributed through purchase. The product is commercial and has been successfully sold for a long time. It is used not only by Russian, but also by foreign specialists.

Web server control panel is intended for workers whose activities are carried out in the following areas:

  • Web development;
  • administration;
  • hosting provider;
  • owning your own websites.

Ispmanager is valued for such qualities as:

  • ability to manage a web server;
  • the presence of an interface that allows you to loyally carry out activities with email, CMS, domains, etc.

This product has been in constant consumer demand for a long time not only in Russian Internet agencies, but also in foreign ones. Possessing an intuitive interface, it has gained popularity as it is comfortable and easy to work with.

Depending on the type of activity, you can purchase a “lite” or “business” package. The first option is intended for ordinary users, at the level of household needs, and the second — for people engaged in business.

What tasks is the web server control panel intended for?

Thanks to the high functionality of Ispmanager, you can use it to solve various issues:

  • maintaining websites and servers. This is very simple, since the product supports almost all popular CMS and many websites from ordinary users. It is quite easy to manage the web infrastructure;
  • this operation is accessible even to a user with relatively little experience. A positive point is the ability to view the history of changes;
  • with Ispmanager you can properly ensure your security, since the product contains built-in tools designed to protect against hacker attacks and spam. Updates are carried out weekly. Backups are performed automatically, which prevents data loss;
  • is indispensable in the work of hosting providers due to the relief of technical support, helps to attract the attention of clients who do not have administration experience.

With the web server control panel you can monitor the current state of the system. It includes disk space, memory, and CPU usage. At the same time, you can track running services and sessions. All user actions are subject to registration.