Bleeding gums in pregnant women.

In pregnant women, bleeding of the oral cavity occurs quite often. As a rule, the gums bleed already in the first trimester, and an exacerbation occurs in the second. Gingivitis, as an inflammatory disease, develops due to the accumulation of plaque and the activation of microbes in the oral cavity — a more likely cause of bleeding during pregnancy. Plaque contributes to irritation and then inflammation. Applying oral care guidelines is an immediate preventive measure for gingivitis. Adherence to hygiene, namely constant brushing and flossing, will help prevent the development of the disease. However, gingivitis is not the only reason for bleeding gums in pregnant women. Periodontitis can be a more serious cause of the disease. This is an inflammation of the tissues around the tooth, called the periodontium, namely the dental ligaments, the jaw bones. Inflammation leads to pus-filled congestion and pockets of gums. During pregnancy, periodontitis should be treated by a professional dentist, with high qualifications, since the disease can cause infection of the fetus, or cause loss of teeth in the mother, and treatment is limited by the danger of harming the unborn baby. Why does bleeding gums appear during pregnancy? Bleeding during pregnancy occurs quite often. This is due to a change in metabolism and a change in hormonal levels. The composition of plaque on the teeth changes during the period of bearing a child: the number of harmful microorganisms in it increases. Along with improperly brushing your teeth, this is the main cause of bleeding during pregnancy. The buildup of plaque leads to inflammation, which is gingivitis. When bleeding gums appear during pregnancy, and this is not paid attention to, periodontitis may develop. And his treatment process is already more complicated and painful. Over time, the plaque on the teeth, hardening, turns into tartar, which must be removed once in half a year, that is, to carry out professional cleaning of the oral cavity. This is an excellent prevention of periodontitis..