What is Granite Tile?

Currently, the market for building and finishing materials offers a wide range of various products made using modern technologies. Such materials include porcelain stoneware, which is very popular..

Granite tiles have become widespread due to their high performance properties. Porcelain stoneware can be used both in arctic cold conditions and at the latitude of the equator. The good resistance of such a material to mechanical stress and external atmospheric influences makes it possible to use porcelain stoneware for finishing buildings for various purposes..

A high-quality imitation of natural materials in porcelain stoneware is achieved through the use of special methods in the production process. The components used in the manufacture of porcelain stoneware are sintered under the influence of high pressure and temperature, forming a homogeneous dense mass. As a result of such manipulations, a relatively inexpensive, durable and beautiful material is obtained that can be used in a variety of fields..

If we consider the properties of granite tiles in more detail, then in this regard it should be noted that such a material has excellent hardness and low porosity, since it does not contain voids, microcracks and inclusions characteristic of elements of natural origin. Thanks to this, such plates are able to withstand loads of up to five hundred kilograms in weight..

Porcelain stoneware is very abrasion resistant. This makes it possible to use such slabs for finishing the floors of premises with a high level of traffic intensity of people in it. In addition, the dense and homogeneous structure of the material allows porcelain stoneware to withstand moisture and temperature changes well..

We should not forget the fact that such a tile is an absolutely environmentally friendly material and does not change its color throughout its entire service life. To keep the porcelain stoneware clean does not require much effort, as well as the use of special expensive means. Therefore, such plates can be used for finishing walls, floors in houses, apartments, office premises and industrial buildings..