Many women sadly admit they are shopaholics. After all, it is so difficult to pass by bright showcases filled with products of leading brands! ...
A long-term or short-term relationship can develop between a man and a woman. ...
The New Year in the French capital remains an invaluable event for a Russian person, since there is no such amount of snow we are accustomed to and the popularity of tangerines is not high. ...
What is a woman’s biggest dream? That’s right, always look beautiful and well-groomed, despite the total lack of time and energy. ...
Today we will help you choose those things from your wardrobe that never go out of style and are always well suited for any occasion.. ...
Hair colored and restored Women have always shown special care for their hair, as it was considered almost the main sign of femininity and health. ...
The desire to lose excess weight in girls sometimes borders on complete madness. ...
Not every woman can afford a dress from an eminent designer, but everyone can look fashionable. ...
Every girl’s wardrobe is a real treasure of skirts, dresses, shoes, jeans and any other clothes. ...
Fighting overweight, for many girls, drags on for many years. ...
Hello!! My name is Jeanine
I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!