Not a single electrical network is immune from power surges, due to which light bulbs flash, household appliances turn off and fail. ...
Today, the cost of various apartments has become very high. ...
Interior decoration of the balcony is one of those questions that arise in front of almost all of us. ...
It is impossible to imagine modern comfortable life today without elementary conveniences, to which everyone is already accustomed. ...
According to technical parameters, drywall is divided into five types: ceiling, wall moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, arched. ...
When laying the foundation, materials that are not resistant to moisture are often used. ...
Video intercom Video intercom is a modern electronic intercom equipped with a video camera and an LCD display, designed to transmit sound, images and perform some commands (opening an electronic lock). ...
Electric traction control The traction electric drive control circuit does not differ from the lifting circuit, therefore it is not presented here. ...
Recently, in the process of construction, repair, creation of the interior of living quarters and its various elements, a variety of materials have been used. ...
Hello!! My name is Jeanine
I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!