Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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The first to set an example will be the presidential administration and the government. ...

In Ukraine, they plan to liquidate private producers of dairy products, whose products currently form the bulk of the market. ...

People’s Deputy of Ukraine Roman Ilyk used the parliamentary pause to meet with the voters of Drohobych region. ...

Although the appointment of Central Bank Chairman Tigran Sargsyan to the post of prime minister was an expected event, in fairness it should be admitted that the personnel policy of the new president was marked by a very good start. ...

The spacecraft called IKAROS, created by Japanese scientists and equipped with a unique development — the world’s first solar sail, does not compare with recently developed similar technology. ...

Interesting things are happening in the European Union while the world is struggling with invented problems and trying to overcome artificial barriers. ...

The Forex exchange is a currency market that offers an interbank option for exchanging it at free prices in order to make a profit. ...

At a meeting of members of the government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the discussion was about the situation of defrauded housing shareholders. ...

Charity is called disinterested assistance, both to individual citizens and to entire organizations and even countries. ...

A large number of analysts are trying to predict the possible end of the financial crisis or the so-called crisis of «subprime loans». ...